Studio Policies to make class fun and Safe

Thank you for choosing In Purpose Studios! We're looking forward to welcoming you to our classes, but ask that you follow studio policies at all times. 

Dance class is educational, fun and uplifting. An important part of class work is developing an attitude of discipline/respect for self/others. We trust that following our studio etiquette will provide an environment where class will be a pleasure for all.

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In Purpose Studios Policies

Please be prompt in drop off/pick up of students. IPS reserves the right to refuse service.

  • Tuition — All Payments are due on the first of each calendar month. Late fees do apply.
  • Dress Code — Hair must be pulled up away from the face and neck. Jewelry must not be loose or dangling. (Proper attire per dance style may be purchased in-studio.)
  • Withdrawal — An Official Withdrawal form must be filled out to withdraw from classes. Charges will continue until that point.
  • Tardiness/Absenteeism — Students/parents must give prior notification if late or absent. For extended absences/injuries, please inform the director and fill out an Official Withdrawal form prior to the first of the following month.
  • Behavior — For the first behavior offense, a notification slip will be sent home and must returned with parent signature before the next class. For any further offense, child will be moved to inactive in the class roster with no refund of tuition.
  • Observation — Parents are not permitted to observe classes as they may distract students. For concerns or questions, please contact the director
  • Inclement Weather — If classes are cancelled, notification will be sent.
  • Additional Policies — Any choreography learned is the sole property of IPS and may not be copied or used outside of IPS scope.